Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Day Zero Project

This blog is dedicated to track my progress through the Day Zero Project. Now some might wonder what exactly this project is...as I was the first time I heard about it on someone elses blog.

The Day Zero Project was started by a man in New Zealand, and what it is is a challenge to inspire you to reach and achieve personal goals. It gives you the mission to come up with a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days. The things can be as simple or complex as you want them to be, but things you can realisticly try to do in the next 2.75 years of your life. A way to motivate yourself to do things for yourself and others that you might otherwise just say "someday I would like to do this".

So here is my list..101 things I want to do in the next 1001 days. Everytime I complete one of my tasks I hope to blog on it to keep a personal account of how Im coming on my list up until my 1001 day...February 12, 2013.

1. Go horseback riding
2. Finish my damask painting
3. Go on a medical mission trip
4. Buy the food for the car behind me in a fast food line
5. Buy the drinks for the car behind me in a Starbucks line
6. Pay off my two remaining credit cards (one left!)
7. Get myself a manicure and pedicure just because
8. Journal every day for thirty days straight
9. Watch a sunrise and sunset in the same day
10. Go to the dermatologist
11. Go to the eye doctor
12. Go to the cardiologist
13. Take a multivitamin and iron pill every day for a month (at least)
14. Finish reading the Old Testament
15. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
16. Write a letter to Ava for her to open on her 10th birthday
17. See snow on the ground
18. Identify 100 things that make me happy
19. Read all the books I own but have never read
20. Run a mile (not going to happen :( )
21. Go to an art museum
22. Make a new friend
23. Sponsor a child
24. Surprise someone
25. Buy only necessities for one month then give the money I save to charity
26. Get my ACLS
27. Try 15 new foods
28. Learn a new song on the piano
29. Restart my Etsy website
30. Memorize 50 passages of scripture
31. Send out Christmas cards
32. Inspire 2 people to make a Day Zero list
33. Go to a theme park with just my siblings
34. Redecorate my bedroom
35. Get an apartment
36. Have a daily consistent quiet time with God 1001 out of 1001 days
37. Visit Dad Deb and Mike in Vero
38. Go to the beach and wear sunblock
39. Get a new cell phone
40. Go a week without facebook
41. Make homemade chicken noodle soup
42. Send someone a card for no reason
43. Stop biting my nails
44. Remember to bring my reusable bags when I go grocery shopping
45. Take the stairs at work for 1 month
46. Memorize psalm 139
47. Save someone’s life
48. Wear red lipstick
49. Take McKinley to the park to fly a kite
50. Finish reading the rest of Harry Potter series
51. Organize my photographs
52. Back up my photos on cd
53. Visit the Burleson’s in Alabama
54. Face one of my fears
55. Write a living will
56. Paint pottery
57. Whiten my teeth
58. Find my passport
59. Renew my passport
60. Share my grace story
61. Climb a tree…without hurting myself
62. Learn how to play tennis
63. Successfully start an IV
64. Be able to participate in Summit’s Fast Forward, then participate monthly
65. Become a member of Summit
66. Try 5 new coffee shops
67. Learn how to curl my hair
68. Paint paintings for 5 friends
69. Learn how to make apple crisp
70. Learn how to make strawberry rhubarb pie
71. Take a vacation with friends
72. Go to a hockey game
73. Spend an afternoon reading at the park
74. Try three places at Mercato (1-Pure) (2-The Pub)
75. Cook dinner for my friends just because
76. Meet the need of a friend without being asked
77. Journal/blog on each completed task
78. Grow my hair out
79. Then chop it off
80. Send someone flowers for no reason
81. Look into/go to a consult for braces
82. Pay off my medical bills
83. Go to a wine tasting
84. Have my pictures taken by Uncle Doug
85. Attempt to donate blood every 2 months (1 5/10- denied) (11/10- no long allowed, sad day)
86. Pray Colossians 1:9-12 for one person I know every day for a month
87. Let go of a grudge
88. Witness a birth
89. Participate in two Walk Now for Autism events (11/10- #1 completed)
90. Write a thank you note for every gift received
91. Fulfill my “Not to Us” pledge
92. Learn how to change a tire
93. Attend a midnight premiere of a movie, and stay awake during the movie
94. Tip 100% to an exceptional server at a restaurant
95. Make a budget
96. Stick to my newly made budget
97. Get rid of all my clothes I haven’t worn in the last 6 months
98. Go 30 days without sweets 3 times
99. Take an art class
100. refurbish a piece of furniture
101. Donate $5 for every task not completed

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